Hello, hi.

It's been a while but I have a new book! It's called Children of Radium, my first nonfiction. It'll be published on 3 April 2025 in the UK, the US and Germany.

Some great people have said some great things about it and it would mean a lot if you preordered a copy. (Preorders really help because, among other things, they convince bookshops to keep copies in stock.)

I've also got some readings and events coming up.

Here's the UK cover:

And here's the US cover:

In 2019 I published a book of poems called O Positive. You can get it direct from Faber or through Hive (and support a local bookshop) or there's Amazon.

Here's a poem from the book: In which I practice happiness

Here's a review from The Observer. And here's one from the NYRB (paywalled).

In 2018, I published my third novel, The Adulterants. Here are some reviews: The Believer, Observer, LRB, FT, Irish Times, Guardian, New Statesman, Sunday Times, theartsdesk, bookmunch... Find the bad ones on your own.

You can order the UK edition through Hive or there's Amazon. The US edition, with the cover in tones of flesh & mustard, is published by Tin House and available here. It's also in French, translated by Simon Baril, published by Gallimard and available here. And it's in Italian, translated by Giulia Boringhieri, here.

All The Poems Contained Within Will Mean Everything To Everyone was published by Rough Trade Books in 2018. It was shortlisted for the Sunday Times Audible Short Story Prize and reviewed by the inimitable SPAM zine here.

It's the story of one man’s dream to edit a groundbreaking contemporary poetry anthology, of how that dream was actually a lot of work, what with reading many bad poems and also competent ones and handwriting rejection letters and using his wife’s family money to pay postage and production costs, all while trying to bounce his newborn son to sleep. It is the story of the epiphanies that come with extreme tiredness: that maybe, just maybe, the greatest poetry book of all is one that contains no poems.

The first edition is sold out but you can still buy the special edition

And here are some older (but still good) books...